El Niño - come soon. PLEASE.

With temps over 100 and suffering through another year of drought, the Napa Valley is screaming out in pain. Trees are stressed. Ground plants are stressed. Vines are stressed. And vintners are stressed. (I spent over $4000 during July just buying water for my vineyard!)

We can keep buying water to get us through harvest, but all of the glorious California oaks on our Baconbrook property are looking very sad. And sad trees are susceptible to disease and pest. Dry grass and ground plants look like matches ready to strike.

"They" say that there is a 50-50 chance Northern California will get a huge rainfall this year. We need it. There will be challenges with mudslides and flooding, but those are problems we need to live through right now. We need the rain. But even more importantly, we need snow. Five of the lowest snowpacks on record in the Sierra have taken place over the last ten years. Snow pack is our water storage system.

So come on, El Niño. Bring it on. While we all enjoy the glorious Golden State sunshine, we're ready for some gloomy rainy days. A bunch of them.