Peter Gabriel / So (1986)

Recommendation… Every once in a while, we should all be reminded how talented Peter Gabriel is. While “Sledgehammer” was the biggest hit off So, I don’t recall being that impressed with THAT song. I do remember getting sick of the over-played claymation video. “Big Time,” another hit, seems designed to show off the funky rhythm line rather than the intelligent lyrics. (I wonder if anyone has covered that song in a different style…) Anyway, my 2020 opinion of this 1986 album is Peter Gabriel’s best stuff here is not what became big hits. “Mercy Street” is beautiful musically and meaningful lyrically. “We Do What We’re Told” is haunting. Check out some of the other lesser known tracks as well.

I do have to admit that one of the popular songs from this album deserves to be called a classic. John Cusack holding the boom box above his head with “In Your Eyes” playing and winning back Ionye Skye’s heart… well, it won my heart too.

LTJ Bukem / Logical Progression (1996)

If you are opening a restaurant which will have really cool ambient lighting, perhaps serve sushi, and be filled with beautiful, trendy people from early 2000s, then this should be on your background music playlist. Otherwise… [shrug]

(part of my continuing mission to listen to all 1001 albums “you must listen to before you die”)

Clowning Around

I love travel and the one off, brief experiences it can bring.

We were strolling around Coyoacan, Mexico when a clown parade passed. A couple of them spotted me taking pictures. They rushed over to pose for a portrait. One of them snuggled up to me while the other mimicked taking the shot with her own imaginary camera. All I could do was turn my Leica around for a selfie. (Sorry for the up-nose shot.) Our guide rushed up and good-naturedly told her to stop grabbing my butt.
